I need
help now

06221 831 282
› Info

I need help now - what should I do?

You can ring our emergency number round the clock (see below). You and your children will find safe refuge in our women's refuge. You can find a new home whilst you are there, advised and supported by our female staff.

Should you need immediate assistance in other languages in the evening or at the weekend, you can contact the following service free of charge:

Bundesweites Hilfetelefon Gewalt gegen Frauen (national support hotline for violence against women)
Telephone 08000 11 60 16

Violence has many faces. You don't have to experience physical violence in order to contact us. You alone decide what constitutes violent behaviour for you. You can get in touch with our advice centre or the women's refuge at any time. You will find all the phone numbers below. We will help you to find a solution.

If you are in serious danger, call the police (tel. 110).

If you are hurt, call the emergency services (tel. 112) or the emergency medical service (tel. 06221 - 19292).

If you are not in acute danger and need advice and protection, you can reach us on our emergency number at night and at weekends. You can contact the office at the women's refuge direct during the day. You will find all the phone numbers of the women's refuge below.

You can have your injuries documented in the Gewaltambulanz at Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg (outpatient service for examinations of victims of violence at University Hospital Heidelberg). This may be important if you ever decide to report the incident. Note: The Gewaltambulanz does NOT provide medical care. You can reach the Gewaltambulanz day and night by calling 0152 546 483 93.

Children always witness violence. They are themselves often the victims of violence. It is good for the children and will come as a relief to them if you, as the mother, get help in order to stop violence in the home. You can bring your children with you to the women's refuge. The children will have their own contact person and she will sort everything out with them. It is very important to us to take seriously the feelings and fears of girls and boys. This is why we give the children space to talk about what they have been through.

You can also bring your children along to the advice centre. The girls and boys will have their own contact person here too. When you arrange an appointment, let us know if your children need concrete support.

Courage Women's Advice Centre

Telephone 06221 84 07 40
Fax 06221 72 52 761


Phone times
Mon, Tues, Thurs 9:30 - 12:00
Wed 14:00 - 17:00

Postal address
Mannheimerstraße 226
69123 Heidelberg

Autonomous Women's refuge

Telephone 06221 833 088
Fax 06221 830 659


Phone times
Monday - Friday
9.00 - 12.00

Emergency number
(outside phone times)

Telephone 06221 831 282

Postal address
Postfach 10 23 43
69013 Heidelberg